Peer Review Process
Manuscripts will be considered for publication only if they have not been previously published, in whole or in part, in print or electronic form and are not under review by another publisher.
Peer Review Process
All articles submitted to the journal undergo a double-blind peer review process, which includes the following steps:
- An initial evaluation to ensure the manuscript meets the journal’s formal requirements, along with a plagiarism check using StrikePlagiarism.
- The Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, or Executive Secretary assesses the manuscript’s relevance to the journal’s scope and assigns appropriate reviewers.
- Once approved for review, the manuscript is sent to at least two experts in the relevant field. The double-blind review ensures that neither the authors nor the reviewers have access to each other’s personal information.
- The editorial office forwards the reviewers’ comments and recommendations to the authors via email. The possible outcomes are:
- Acceptance for publication;
- Conditional acceptance, requiring revisions based on reviewer feedback;
- Rejection with the option to revise and resubmit;
- Rejection without the possibility of resubmission.
- Authors must address the reviewers’ comments, provide a detailed response to each point, and submit the revised manuscript for further evaluation.
- Manuscripts that have been rejected will not be reconsidered.
Peer review process is based on:
Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing
AMWA–EMWA–ISMPP Joint Position Statement on Predatory Publishing
Sarajevo Declaration on Integrity and Visibility of Scholarly Publications
Review Timeline
The double-blind peer review process takes a minimum of three weeks, with an average duration of four to six weeks.
1. If revisions are required, the author(s) must implement the necessary changes, provide a response to the review, and submit the revised manuscript via email to or
The deadline for submitting the revised version is three weeks. If the manuscript is not resubmitted within this period, it will be considered withdrawn from review.
2. If no revisions are required or all reviewer comments have been adequately addressed, the author(s) will receive an email confirmation, including preliminary details about the issue in which the article is scheduled for publication.