Features of the state of cytokine status in infertile men against the background of toxocariasis


  • L. L. Vorontsova State Establishment “Zaporizhzhіa Medical Academy of Post Graduate Education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine”,
  • M. I. Dub State Establishment “Zaporizhzhіa Medical Academy of Post Graduate Education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine”,
  • V. A. Kovalenko State Establishment “Zaporizhzhіa Medical Academy of Post Graduate Education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine”,
  • M. Ye. Zhuravlova State Establishment “Zaporizhzhіa Medical Academy of Post Graduate Education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine”,




cytokines, toxocariasis, fragmentation DNA, male infertility, spermatozoa


Aim. Given that the mechanisms of interaction between the host organism and the parasite have not been completely clarified, especially profound mechanisms of influence on the reproductive system of men, the aim of the research was to study the state of cytokine status in men with reproductive disorders against the background of toxocariasis.

Materials and methods. For this purpose, 77 men aged 20 to 45 years, who were divided into 5 groups, were examined. The first (control) group consisted of 12 fertile men; the second group (comparison group) – 27 infertile patients with the normal level of fragmentation of sperm DNA and the lack of antibodies to toxocarae; the third group includes 12 infertile men with a high level of fragmentation of sperm DNA and the presence of antibodies to toxocarae; the fourth group included 14 infertile patients with a high level of fragmentation of sperm DNA and the lack of antibodies to toxocarae, and the fifth group included 12 infertile men with a normal level of fragmentation of sperm DNA and the presence of antibodies to toxocarae. All the men underwent a comprehensive study that included analysis of the spermogram according to WHO recommendations, determination of the level of fragmentation of sperm DNA, the presence of toxocariasis and evaluation of the cytokine status.

Results. The data obtained from the study indicate a definite relationship between the main parameters of spermatozoa (their concentration, mobility and morphology) and the frequency of fragmentation of their nuclear DNA. The heavier the pathozoospermia, the more likely that the frequency of DNA fragmentation in spermatozoa will be higher than normal. The results of the study of the cytokine status indicate that the effect of only the antibodies without the connection of the T-cell response is obviously insufficient to completely overcome parasitic infestation.

Conclusions. Thus, in infertile men against the background of toxocariasis, the triggering mechanism of stimulation of the Th2 type immune response are obviously the components of the shell of the parasite larvae which were invaded in host organism, and the attachment of the Th1 type immune response leads to the formation of the chronic process (chronic invasion), which adversely affects the development of an adequate immune response.


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How to Cite

Vorontsova LL, Dub MI, Kovalenko VA, Zhuravlova MY. Features of the state of cytokine status in infertile men against the background of toxocariasis. Pathologia [Internet]. 2017Sep.27 [cited 2025Jan.8];(2). Available from: http://pat.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/109672



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