The case of synchronous fallopian tube and endometrium cancer. Clinical observation


  • A. M. Romaniuk Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • N. I. Gyryavenko Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • M. S. Lуndіn Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • V. V. Sikora Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • A. M. Piddubnyi Sumy State University, Ukraine,



adenocarcinoma, Fallopian tube, prognosis


Background. The problems of pre-operative cancer diagnosis of the fallopian tube are associated with a rare occurrence of this disease. More rarely, there is a combination of the fallopian tube cancer and other gynecological tumors. Clinical observation of the fallopian tube cancer and endometrial cancer in postmenopausal woman is presented, which demonstrates the difficulty of the pre-operative diagnostics of these pathologies combination.

Case presentation. We described a case of uterine tube cancer in Ukrainian woman (77 years), which had been combined with adenocarcinoma of an endometrium.

Conclusion. Primary fallopian tubes carcinoma is a rare disease with an insufficiently studied etiology. The clinical manifestations are not always present in full. Diagnosis in pre-operative period is very hard to establish. Only the qualitative morphological investigation allows establishing the primary lesion of the fallopian tube. Introducing immunohistochemical investigations in practice serves as additional methods for correct diseases diagnostic, which allow more fully characterizing the prognosis and suggesting appropriate treatment of the patients.



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How to Cite

Romaniuk AM, Gyryavenko NI, Lуndіn MS, Sikora VV, Piddubnyi AM. The case of synchronous fallopian tube and endometrium cancer. Clinical observation. Pathologia [Internet]. 2018May3 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(1). Available from:



Case Reports