Morphofunctional status of parotid salivary glands in three-month-old rats with experimentally induced fetal macrosomia


  • O. V. Garmash Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine,
  • G. I. Gubina-Vakulyk Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine,



fetal macrosomia, animal experiments, glands, parotid salivary glands


The paper aims at studying the features of postnatal morphogenesis of parotid salivary glands acinar tissue in three-month-old rats which were born with experimentally induced fetal macrosomia.

The aim of the study is to examine experimentally the features of postnatal morphogenesis of salivary glands in three-month-old rats born with macrosomia.

Materials and methods. Somatometric data of the animals were examined at birth and after the experiment, which induced macrosomia of rat fetus with four different ways (high-calorie diet for young pregnant female specimens, high-calorie diet for mature pregnant female specimens, high-calorie diet and hypokinesia condition for young pregnant female specimens, increased placental-fetal blood supply on the background of normal living conditions for young pregnant female specimens). To make the morphological analysis we used the tissues of parotid glands of three-month-old rats. We examined absolute and relative values of salivary gland mass. Beside the histological tests we used Gallocianin-chrome alum technique to detect DNA and RNA, and PAS-reaction to detect glycoproteins. Using computer images we measured the squares of serocytes, evaluated the content of DNA in the cell nucleus, the content of RNA in cytoplasm and glycoproteins in saliva in ducts and gaps of acini.

Results. When rats reached the age of three months macrosomia-induced specimens with stimulated intrauterine growth (group Aks ) had a tendency to increase their average body weight while macrosomia-induced descendants of rats in the group 3 (high-calorie died and “soft” hypokinesia (group Y+Hk+cal) had a tendency to decrease their body mass. And macrosomia-induced descendants of rats in the group 1 (high-calorie diet during pregnancy, Y+cal group) and decsendants in group 2 (high-calorie diet for mature rats during pregnancy, M+cal group) had somatometric data similar to the control-group.

The relative mass of parotid glands of three-month-old rats which were born with macrosomia appeared to be increased in all the groups, but top values were observed in groups Y+cal and Y+Hk+cal. Rats with macrosomia from the group Aks by the age of three month had salivary glands with hypoplasia of serocytes which were morphofunctionally more active and had signs of proteins and glycoproteins hypoproduction.

Rats with macrosomia in the Y+cal group by the age of three months had the amount of serocytes commensurate to the data of the control group but serocytes were more morphofunctionally active and had signs of glycoproteins hyperprodution.

Rats in the M+cal group at the age of three months had serocytes hyperplasia, but their mophofunctional condition was similar to the control group. And macrosomia-induced rats in the Y+Hk+cal group had signs of the increase of morphofunctional activity of serocytes and hyperproduction of glycoproteins.

Conclusion. It has been found that specimens which were born with macrosomia at the age of three months showed changes in morphofunctional state of parotid salivary glands parenchyma and, therefore, changes in the salivary composition in ducts and gaps of acini.




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How to Cite

Garmash OV, Gubina-Vakulyk GI. Morphofunctional status of parotid salivary glands in three-month-old rats with experimentally induced fetal macrosomia. Pathologia [Internet]. 2018May3 [cited 2024Dec.23];(1). Available from:



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