Features of the topography of a single kidney after removal of contralateral one


  • V. I. Pivtorak National M. I. Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine,
  • V. M. Monastyrskyi National M. I. Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine,




single kidney, nephrectomy, somatotypes, kidney, medical topography, magnetic resonance imaging


Changes in the topographic anatomy of the kidney after radical nephrectomies of the contralateral kidney remain unexplored for today.

Aim of the study was to determine the characteristics of the angles of a single kidney after contralateral nephrectomy in the frontal, sagittal and horizontal planes in patients of different somatotypes, on the basis of magnetic resonance tomography.

Materials and methods. A comprehensive examination of 189 patients of the first and second adulthood was performed, there were 124 patients with a single kidney and different postoperative period after kidney removal and 65 patients with two kidneys who had no kidney and urinary tract diseases among them. The studies were carried out using the magnetic resonance tomograph Philips Intera-1.5T.

Results. The performed studies of the angles of the slope of the only kidney remaining after contralateral nephrectomy in the frontal, sagittal and horizontal planes with the help of magnetic resonance imaging show certain regularities depending on the somatotype. It was revealed that the smallest angle of inclination is created in the left single kidney of the women of the ectomorphic somatotype in the frontal plane (19.6 ± 2.1°), and the largest one – in the left single kidney of the men of the mesomorphic somatotype in the horizontal plane (61.4° ± 4.5°). The angles of the slope of the single kidney in representatives of all the somatotypes in the horizontal plane were statistically significantly larger as compared to similar parameters in persons with two kidneys who had no diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. In the sagittal plane, the angles of inclination of the left and right single kidney in members of all somatotypes were statistically significant, whereas in the frontal plane they differed (P < 0.05) only in patients with mesomorphic somatotype.

Conclusion. In patients after 2–5 years after the removal of the contralateral kidney significantly less angles of inclination of the right single kidney in the frontal plane are observed as compared to parameters in patients with two kidneys, who had diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Angles of the inclination of the right and left single kidneys of patients with all the somatotypes in the horizontal plane are statistically significantly larger in comparison with those in patients with two kidneys who did not have kidney and urinary tract diseases. The angles of inclination of the left single kidney of patients with all the somatotypes in the sagittal plane are statistically significantly less than the parameters of the right single kidney.



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How to Cite

Pivtorak VI, Monastyrskyi VM. Features of the topography of a single kidney after removal of contralateral one. Pathologia [Internet]. 2018Sep.12 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(2). Available from: http://pat.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/141369



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