Histopathology, morphometric indices of bones, articular and epiphyseal cartilages in experimental glucocorticoid-induced osteochondropathy


  • V. V. Hryhorovskyi SI “Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics of NAMS of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • A. V. Kalashnykov SI “Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics of NAMS of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • Ye. L. Kuziv Military Medical Center of Central Region, Vinnytsia, Ukraine,
  • L. I. Apukhovska National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine,




glucocorticoids, articular cartilage, epiphyses, experiment, vitamin D, vitamin E


Research objective – to define parametres of vitamins D and Е influence on changes of articular (AC) and epiphyseal (EC) cartilage structural-functional condition indices in glucocorticoid-induced osteochondropathy (GIOCP) in experiment.

Materials and methods. Series (7 rats each): 1) intact; 2) prednisolone in a dose of 5,0 mg/kg per os daily; 3) prednisolone in combination with vitamin D 100 IU; 4) prednisolone in combination with vitamin D 100 IU and vitamin E of 0,6 mg. Observation during 30 days. Indicators: weight of tibia, length and thickness of femur, thickness of proximal femoral AC and EC on a frontal tissue section, specific chondrocyte (ChC) number per unit of the section area, number of large places of cartilage matrix in sections of AC and EC.

Results. The thickness of AC in GIOCP decreases, and in the conditions of vitamins D and E preventive administration tends to normalization though does not reach values of intact animals series. Specific ChC quantity per section area unit and large places of matrix quantity in GIOCP increase; in series where vitamin D was administrated, the tendency to decrease of parameters of both indices was observed, and in a series where both vitamins were administrated, the number of large places of matrix nevertheless remains above, than norm. The thickness of EC at GIOCP decreases, despite preventive application of vitamins. In GIOCP specific ChC quantity per unit of EC area and large places of matrix number increase, however in series where both vitamins D and E were preventively applied, the tendency to normalization of mean parameters of these indicators is observed. It gives evidence of steady character of glucocorticoid influence on EC chondrocytes and metaphyseal zone of ossification osteoblasts. Parameters of dependences between indicators on correlation coefficient values in certain series of comparison somewhat differ.

Conclusion. Preventive administration of vitamins D and Е during GIOCP-modelling leads to restoration (or to intact animals parameters approximation) of the majority of osteometric indices level, and also introduces positive changes in AC and EC of proximal femoral epimetaphysis histomorphometric indicators.



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How to Cite

Hryhorovskyi VV, Kalashnykov AV, Kuziv YL, Apukhovska LI. Histopathology, morphometric indices of bones, articular and epiphyseal cartilages in experimental glucocorticoid-induced osteochondropathy. Pathologia [Internet]. 2018Sep.12 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(2). Available from: http://pat.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/141415



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