The structure of urgent conditions of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in modern conditions


  • M. I. Badiuk Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • O. O. Mykyta Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • I. P. Semeniv Feofaniya Clinical Hospital, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • M. M. Rygan LLC «Institute of Sport Traumatology», Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • V. V. Kosarchuk Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine,



emergencies, wounds and injuries, algorithms, clinical protocols, standard of care, military personnel, Ukraine


Purpose: to study the structure of urgent conditions of servicemen with combat injuries and diseases in modern conditions in order to substantiate the development of promising algorithms and medical aid protocols adapted to NATO standards.Materials and methods. The paper presents the results of analysis of the structure and nature of urgent conditions of modern combat pathology and diseases among military personnel who were on treatment at the National Military Medical Clinical Center “Main Military Clinical Hospital” from 1999 to 2018 (191 731 disease histories).Results. The article analyzes the structure of emergency conditions for servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who were admitted the National Military Medical Clinical Center “MMCH” in the period from 1999 to 2013 compared with the corresponding indicators for 2014–2017 years. The trends in the dynamics of the indicators of the structure of emergency conditions of servicemen with injuries (including combat ones) and diseases during the period of armed conflict compared to the previous period (1999–2013) were studied. The most urgent conditions of servicemen with combat trauma and serious illnesses are identified, which are the priority for the development and implementation of modern algorithms and protocols for the provision of medical assistance in combat conditions in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A list of algorithms and protocols for the provision of medical assistance to servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine under the main emergency conditions in today's conditions is proposed.Conclusions. The basic nosological forms of combat injuries and illnesses of military personnel are established in which emergencies are formed: the ХІХ class – injuries and head and brain injuries (27.3 %), abdominal injuries (18.2 %), chest injuries and ribs (12.9 %); X class – pneumonia (75.9 %); ІX class – strokes (40.1 %), myocardial infarction (30.1 %) and hypertensive disease (12.5 %). The main classes, whose nosological forms are accompanied by severe and extremely serious conditions, are the ХІХ class – traumas, poisonings and some other consequences of external causes (48.5 %), class X – respiratory diseases (12.1 %), class IX – Diseases of the circulatory system (7.4 %) and class V – disorders of the psyche and behavior (6.1 %). Identified urgent conditions of servicemen, arising from appropriate nosological forms and included in the described classes of diseases, are priority for the development of priority algorithms and protocols for the provision of medical assistance to servicemen in combat conditions according to NATO standards. 


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How to Cite

Badiuk MI, Mykyta OO, Semeniv IP, Rygan MM, Kosarchuk VV. The structure of urgent conditions of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in modern conditions. Pathologia [Internet]. 2018Sep.12 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(2). Available from:



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