Dynamics of morphometric parameters and the glycogen content in rat hearts after аntenatal antigen influence


  • A. N. Lebedinets




heart morphogenesis, glycogen, rats, body weight, antenatal influence of antigens


Cardiovascular pathology may be formed on the background of the heart morphogenesis disturbances during fetal development. There is a high prevalence of pathological pregnancy, intrauterine infections of different etiology, accompanied by dysfunction of the placenta and the penetration of foreign antigens into the fetus in the last decade. Pathology of the antenatal period has negative health consequences over lifetime. Intrauterine administration of antigens in experiment causes acceleration of immunologically immature lymphocytes migration from the thymus to the internal organs. These lymphocytes affect the formation of morphological and functional units of the internal organs. Features of the morphogenesis of heart after antenatal antigens exposure have not been studied.

Objective To determine the dynamics of body weight, heart weight and their ratio and glycogen content in cardiomyocytes in experimental animals (rats) after antenatal antigens exposure.

Research design and Methods Experimental study of the heart morphogenesis in rats of Wistar line after intrauterine injection of antigens at 18 days of pregnancy by the method of Voloshin N.A. has been performed. The dynamics of the body and heart weights in the rats of six age groups (1, 7, 14, 30, 45 and 60 days of postnatal period of ontogenesis) has been investigated. Animals were divided in 4 groups: I - intact group, II - intrauterine injection of Human Immunoglobulin for intramuscular administration, III - intrauterine injection of Influenza Vaccine VAXIGRIP, IV - intrauterine injection of Sodium Chloride solution 0.9% (control group). Relative heart weight was calculated as heart weight x100, mg / body weight, mg. The histochemical PAS diastase staining of heart sections has been investigated for the differentiation of glycogen and other glycoproteins in the rats of three age groups (1, 7 and 60 days of postnatal period). The histochemical index of the glycogen content in cardiomyocytes was determined by the method of Kaplow L.S.

Results Increased body weight in animals of II and III groups compared with body weight of intact (I) and control (IV) groups in all terms of postnatal period of ontogenesis from the first day of life has been noted. From 14 to 60 days increased body weight of animals of groups II and III was significant as compared with indexes of groups I and IV. Significant differences in body weight in any terms of postnatal period of ontogenesis in intact and control animals groups were not detected. The absolute heart weight had no significant differences in the animals of different groups from 1 to 60 days of postnatal period, except group 7 days. The relative heart weight of animals of groups II and III was significantly lower than both the intact and control groups’ indexes from 7 days of life for all age groups up to 60 days. The downward trend at neonatal period and the significant increasing at the age of 60 days of postnatal development of glycogen content in cardiomyocytes of II and III groups animals compared with intact (I) and control (IV) groups indexes have been established.

Conclusions Disproportion in development of rat hearts in experiment with a significant reduction of its relative weight at the period from 7 days of life on the background trend in early terms and significant from 30 to 60 days overweight of experimental animals, significant increasing of glycogen content in cardiomyocytes at the age of 60 days of postnatal development have been established. Revealed changes do not depend on the nature of the antigen and demonstrate the heart morphofunctional disorders in rats with antenatal antigens exposure.


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How to Cite

Lebedinets AN. Dynamics of morphometric parameters and the glycogen content in rat hearts after аntenatal antigen influence. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Jun.21 [cited 2024Dec.19];(1). Available from: http://pat.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/15314



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