Pathohistological properties and histomorphometric characteristics of cancellous bone tissue in iliobiopsies of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta


  • V. V. Grigorovsky
  • A. M. Zyma



оsteogenesis imperfect, cancellous bone tissue, iliobiopsies, histomorphometry


Preface. Some works deal with studying of systemic histomorphometric indices of bone tissue iliobiopsies in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Earlier we had been conducted investigations with use of spongiosa histomorphometry (SHM) indices in children of different age groups, however among them patients with osteogenesis imperfecta were absent. Similar works in Ukraine were not carried out earlier.

Purpose of the study. The purpose of our research was to estimate SHM-values of ilium fragments (iliobiopsies) in patients of various age with OI and to find differences of average SHM-parameters of OI-patients from similar indices of conditionally healthy humans of appropriate age ranges who live in Ukraine.

Materіals and methods. Biopsy bone fragments of the iliac bone from 7 male patients with OI (4 - І type, 3 - ІІІ type), age from 7 till 17 years, in which operations on different bones of skeleton were carried out under indications, have served as a research material. Persons who were lost owing to a traumatic accident or have died from acute diseases of short duration – altogether 15 cases, were included in the group of comparison. Both in group of patients with OI, and among "conventionally healthy" two age subgroups have been allocated: junior, 1-9 years, and the elder one, 10-17 years. SHM of biopsies or cadaver tissue from iliac bone included definition of such indices: spongiosa bone volume BV/TV %, osteoid surface OS/BS %, an index of osteoclasts - N.Oc/T.Ar.

Results. The spongy bone tissue of iliac bones in samples of all groups of comparison had a characteristic histologic pattern, differed with some heterogeneity of the structure, however any specific qualitative features in compared groups has not been found, that is spongiosa structure and the located in its cavities marrow - were of single-type. In OI-patients trabecular bone tissue had the complex pattern formed by basophylic cemental lines which outlined interstitial microstructures of lamellar and woven kind. As sites of woven, and a lamellar bone tissue from which trabeculae were formed, were characterized by osteocytes hypercellularity, peculiar to bone tissue in OI-patients. In many places on trabeculae surface osteoid layers were found, with single-layered aggregations of cuboid and flat cells - osteoblasts with various functional activity. In some places of spongiosa trabeculae surface, in small deepenings (erosive lacunae), and sometimes without such ones, multinucleated giant cells with rough contour of dense cytoplasm: osteoclasts – were met. The mean parameter "bone volume of spongiosa" in age subgroups of OI-patients shows insignificant age gain of mean values – in comparison with the parameter for "conventionally healthy". In the elder age subgroup the mean parameter of this index for OI-patients has appeared significantly below the corresponding parameter for "conventionally healthy" children. The mean parameter of "osteoid surface" index in age subgroups of children OI-patients, decreases with age increase (insignificant at available number of cases). In the elder age subgroup of OI-patients mean value of this index is much lower, than in corresponding age "conventionally healthy" subgroup, nevertheless the difference of means is statistically insignificant. The mean parameter of the "index of osteoclasts" in age subgroups of children OI-patients shows some decrease (insignificant at available number of cases) that testifies to gradual age reduction of osteoresorption activity in OI-patients. In the elder age subgroup of OI-patients mean value of this index was significantly higher, than in corresponding age subgroup of "conventionally healthy" children.

Conclusіon. According to the results of histomorphometric research of iliobiopsies from patients with osteogenesis imperfecta, when comparing the age groups data with parameters of spongiosa histomorphometry indices of "conditionally healthy" children certain distinctions of average index values of the structural-functional condition of spongy bone tissue were found.


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How to Cite

Grigorovsky VV, Zyma AM. Pathohistological properties and histomorphometric characteristics of cancellous bone tissue in iliobiopsies of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Jun.21 [cited 2025Jan.19];(1). Available from:



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