The content of proinfl ammatory mediators and cytokines of 1, 2 types T-helpers as immunoregulatory criterion in children with purulent-septic diseases at a stage of hospitalization


  • L. F. Pritulo
  • Yu. A. Bisyuk
  • V. P. Pritula



proinflammatory mediators, citokines of 1, 2 types T-helperS, purulent-septic diseases, children,


For studying of proinfl ammatory mediators and cytokines of 1, 2 types T-helpers 444 children were examined. It is established that purulent-septic diseases in children are associated with hypersecretion of proinfl ammatory mediators and cellular profi le cytokines (IL-2, IF - γ).


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How to Cite

Pritulo LF, Bisyuk YA, Pritula VP. The content of proinfl ammatory mediators and cytokines of 1, 2 types T-helpers as immunoregulatory criterion in children with purulent-septic diseases at a stage of hospitalization. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Jul.23 [cited 2025Mar.10];(1). Available from:



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