Influence of industrial atmospheric pollution on the development of pathology of respiratory organs


  • M. P. Hrebniak Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine.,
  • R. A. Fedorchenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



air pollution, respiratory tract diseases, hygienic prenosological diagnostics



Due to the technogenic load, first of all, the quality of the air basin is disturbed. More than 80 % of diseases depend to some extent on its quality, but in an industrial city, atmospheric pollution determines the priority of pathology of respiratory organs.

The purpose of the work was to study the peculiarities of the development of pathological conditions of the respiratory organs in the population living in conditions of significant atmospheric pollution.

Materials and methods. Industrial emissions into the air basin from enterprises of the metallurgical industry were investigated. The type of violations of ventilation functions (obstruction, restriction, obstruction on the background of restriction) was determined from the “flow – volume” curve of the forced expiration. The incidence was studied according to the statistical materials of hospitals.

Results. The residents of the industrial city have a complex of ecotoxicants, which leads to a dangerous degree of pollution and a very contaminated level. In 53.8 % of the city's residents there are deviations in the ventilation function (by the method of the flow-volume curve analysis) due to the development of obstructive changes in the bronchopulmonary apparatus of the upper respiratory tract. After 49 years of living in such conditions, nearly in all the population prenosological conditions are registered (91.7–93.9 %). With prolonged residence in conditions of contamination, obstruction significantly increases against the background of restriction. The incidence of respiratory diseases in adults is higher with a high level of use of production capacity.

Conclusions. In 53.8 % of the inhabitants of the industrial city, there are deviations in the ventilation function due to the development of obstructive changes in the broncho-pulmonary apparatus of the upper respiratory tract (obstruction combined with a restriction and obstruction).

With age, the proportion of persons with prenosological conditions of respiratory function increases, especially at the age of 30–39 and 40–49 years. A high degree correlation exists between air pollution and population morbidity. Thus, the correlation coefficient between the total city air pollution indexes and respiratory diseases is 0.72 (P < 0.01) in adults and 0.66 (P < 0.05) in children.

The morbidity of the adult population of the megapolis with diseases of the respiratory organs has waved in the last years. The trend of its dynamics was y = 3343.2 – 47.97x, with a coefficient of multiple correlation of 0.78 (P < 0.05). The regularities of long-term chromodynamics of respiratory organs incidence among children is almost the same as at high and at a moderate level of industrial production - dynamics tendency has a look of equation y = 10190.3 – 41.2x and y = 8813.9 – 76.3x with a coefficient of multiple correlation 0.59–0.64 (P < 0.05).



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How to Cite

Hrebniak MP, Fedorchenko RA. Influence of industrial atmospheric pollution on the development of pathology of respiratory organs. Pathologia [Internet]. 2019May13 [cited 2025Mar.9];16(1). Available from:



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