Pathomorphology of fetal and mature liver under the lead intoxication and after the correction: the review of experimental data
fetal liver, mature liver, pathology, heavymetal poisoning, therapies investigationalAbstract
Lead is one of the most widespread pollutant which alters the mature liver and is especially harmful for the fetal liver. The typical alterations in the mature liver after the lead exposure are the hypertrophy and vacuolization of hepatocytes, circulatory disorders, mononuclear cellular infiltration. The morphological changes in the liver during prenatal development under the maternal lead treatment are inhibition of hematopoiesis, dystrophy of hepatocytes, disturbances in the liver architecture, its vessels and stroma with a gradient of pathological changes toward the peripheral parts of the organ. The manifestations of liver alteration after birth become deeper with age and develop to the necrosis, edema and inflammation. The biochemical disturbances in the liver are the decrease in the activity of enzyms of energy metabolism, inhibition of protein and nucleic acids synthesis, imbalance of the lipid peroxide oxidation system, and the increasing of oxidative stress with the further alteration of the membranes of the endothelium, red blood cells, hepatocytes, as well as mitochondrial membrane. The changes in expression of the immunohistochemical markers can differentiate the processes in the liver, which are relatively stable or sensitive to lead, especially in prenatal development, whereas the biochemical parameters are valuable for estimation of the liver damage in postnatal life. The immunohistochemical changes under the lead treatment reflect the inhibition in protein synthesis such as albumin and cytokeratins, as well as growth factors, nitric oxide synthases and matrix metalloproteinases expression; whereas the expression of apoptotic markers increases. The search for the natural products, dietary supplements and drugs with the protective properties is ongoing and covers the wide spectrum of agents, including vitamins, micro- and macroelements, antioxidants, chelating agents, natural extracts, proteins, sorbents and complex-producing drugs. The immunohistochemical markers as well as biochemical parameters can be used to prove the efficacy of protectants for chronic lead intoxication.
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