Repeated reconstruction in patients with atherosclerosis obliterans with long-term complications


  • V. A. Gubka



тромбоз, аневризма, нагноєння, повторні реконструктивні операції


In the clinic of hospital surgery over the past 10 years 844 reconstructive operations were performed. Of these, a variety of long-term complications were developed in 231 (27,3%) patients. The most frequently identified complications were thrombosis – 50,5%, anastomotic aneurysms – 27,2% and late suppuration - in 22,3 % of patients. All patients were examined: USDG, angiography, fistulography. In patients with thrombosis thrombectomy or replacement of the prosthesis with reconstruction of the bifurcation of the distal anastomosis were performed, with aneurysm - excision of the aneurysm and reconstruction of  distal anastomosis, in patients with suppuration - the elimination of the purulent center and, if possible, extraanatomic bypass surgery. Positive results were obtained in 64,4% of patients.


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How to Cite

Gubka VA. Repeated reconstruction in patients with atherosclerosis obliterans with long-term complications. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Aug.29 [cited 2024Jul.17];(2). Available from:



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