Changes in systemic and peripheral hemodynamics after correction of blood shunting through the patent arterial duct in premature infants with critical weight


  • I. A. Anikin
  • V. I. Snisar



blood flow indices, doppler, preterm infants with critical weight


30 neonates with critical weight are examined. The results of this group examination demonstrate the changes in brain, kidney and systemic blood flow that occur in premature infants with critical weight on the background of patent arterial duct. Gradual changes of these indices after the closure of PDA during the week are shown. The results indicate the need of continuation of circulatory failure treatment after the closure of PDA.


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How to Cite

Anikin IA, Snisar VI. Changes in systemic and peripheral hemodynamics after correction of blood shunting through the patent arterial duct in premature infants with critical weight. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Aug.21 [cited 2024Jul.17];(2). Available from:



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