Morphological changes in venous walls caused by microfoam sclerotic surgery of varicosity


  • I. V. Irkin
  • V. A. Hodos
  • V. I. Zaritskaya



varicose disease, phlebosclerotic obliteration, vein morphology


The work presents results of morphological studies of venous walls affected by the sclerosing microfoam which was reproduced out of  different concentrations (2%, 3%, 5%) of sclerosing fluid. The data obtained allows to determine that the 3% sclerosing fluid concentration is the optimal, insofar the goal is to create favorable conditions for a high-quality fibrous vein transformation and at the same time to minimize eventual complications after a microfoam phlebosclerotic obliteration.


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How to Cite

Irkin IV, Hodos VA, Zaritskaya VI. Morphological changes in venous walls caused by microfoam sclerotic surgery of varicosity. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Aug.21 [cited 2024Jul.17];(2). Available from:



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