Disturbances of microhemocirculation of gastric mucus in patients with chronic gastric erosions and biliary tract disease


  • G. A. Solov’yova
  • O. G. Kurik




gastric erosions and biliary tract disease, microhemocirculation disturbances, antral part of the stomach, stomach body


Article deals with comparison data about disturbances  of  microcirculation in the antral part  of the stomach and gastric body in three groups of patients:  with gastric erosions and biliary tract diseases, gastric erosions and duodenal ulcer disease and chronic gastritis. It is shown, that patients with gastric erosions and biliary tract diseases are characterized by more pronounced disturbances  of  microhemocirculation in stomach body as for such indexes – stase (dysdiemorrhysis) in venules, cappilares, thrombosis in venules, cappilares, edema of the walls of microvessels and perivascular structures; thickening of  vessels' walls, fibrous changes of native mucose membrane in the antral part of the stomach.


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How to Cite

Solov’yova GA, Kurik OG. Disturbances of microhemocirculation of gastric mucus in patients with chronic gastric erosions and biliary tract disease. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Aug.21 [cited 2024Jul.17];(2). Available from: http://pat.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/16760



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