Рerisinusoidal-centrolobular liver fibrosis: features of morphogenegis and parameters of progression


  • V.A. Tumanskiy
  • Yu.A. Shebeko




perisinusoidal-centrolobular liver fibrosis, portal hypertension


The research of morphogenesis of liver fibrosis in 589 patients with chronic viral hepatitis, alcoholic and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis has shown that perisinusoidal-centrоlobular liver fibrosis can develop at chronic liver diseases. This type of liver fibrosis is characterized by collagen deposition and fibrosis in perisinusoidal space of Disse in 3rd-2nd zones of liver acinus and around centrolobular veins at minimal or absent portal fibrosis. Severe perisinusoidal-central-lobular liver fibrosis is manifested by symptoms of portal hypertention before cirrhosis development.


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How to Cite

Tumanskiy V, Shebeko Y. Рerisinusoidal-centrolobular liver fibrosis: features of morphogenegis and parameters of progression. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Sep.12 [cited 2024Jul.8];(3). Available from: http://pat.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/17012



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