Mitoprotective effect of the receptor antagonist interleukin-1 in experimental cerebral stroke


  • E.V. Suprun
  • L.A. Gromov
  • I.F. Belenichev
  • A.M. Ishchenko
  • A.S. Suprun



IL-1, RAIL-1, mitochondrial pore, thiol-disulfide system, experimental cerebral ischemia


Mitoprotective activity of the receptor antagonist of interleukin-1 ( RAIL-1, 7,5 mg/kg) comparing to Thiotriazoline (50 mg/kg) was studied on the model of experimental photoinduced cerebral thrombosis  in rats. Against a background of RAIL-1 administration  significant stabilization of mitochondria functional activity was noted (by blocking of mitochondrial pore opening) as wel as the state of thiol-disulfide system: normalization of activity of glutationperoxidase and glutationreductase, increase of levels of reduced forms of glutathione and thiols against a background of reduction of their oxidized forms. By mitochondrial activity  RAIL-1 can be compared to Thiotriazoline and even  exceeds it in some parameters.


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How to Cite

Suprun E, Gromov L, Belenichev I, Ishchenko A, Suprun A. Mitoprotective effect of the receptor antagonist interleukin-1 in experimental cerebral stroke. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Aug.29 [cited 2024Jul.8];(3). Available from:



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