Mitotic activity and nucleic acids content in the cells’ nuclei of epithelial colon tumors


  • A.N. Grabovoy National Cancer Institute, m. Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • S.A. Antoniuk National Cancer Institute, m. Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • E.A. Vorobey National Cancer Institute, m. Kyiv, Ukraine,



colon epithelial tumor, Ki-67, nucleic acids


Colon epithelial tumor (CEТ) malignancy grade determination cannot fully rely on the tumor cells’ nuclei DNA content and mitotic index as independent factors. The opposite vectors of the cellular spectrum can distinguish CEТ. The first one is characterized by the decrease in mitotic activity, and the second, contrariwise, by its increase, with increased cells’ DNA content. CEТ can be divided into those in which there is an increase in the average cells’ nuclei DNA content due to high proliferative activity (a large proportion of cells in which DNA synthesis occurs), and those in which this component is increased due to an increase of the cells proportion in the polyploid cells’ spectrum.


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How to Cite

Grabovoy A, Antoniuk S, Vorobey E. Mitotic activity and nucleic acids content in the cells’ nuclei of epithelial colon tumors. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Sep.30 [cited 2025Mar.14];(2). Available from:



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