The involutional changes of bone marrow in the lumbar spine. Тhe results of the magnetic-resonance imaging


  • S. A. Myagkov
  • A. P. Myagkov



magnetic resonance imaging, fatty bone marrow, cellular bone marrow


The article presents the results of magnetic resonance studies of the lumbar spine in 60 patients using low-field magnetic resonance tomographs. On the base of these data bone marrow conversion variants were systematized and identified, one of them – vascular – was proposed by the authors for the first time. The obtained data are consistent with the results of the study of the bone marrow conversion in the spine using high-field tomographs and thus will have a practical use in the analysis of magnetic resonance imaging of normal and altered bone marrow.


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How to Cite

Myagkov SA, Myagkov AP. The involutional changes of bone marrow in the lumbar spine. Тhe results of the magnetic-resonance imaging. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Sep.30 [cited 2025Mar.14];(2). Available from:



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