Pseudoperitonitis on the background of a ketoacidotic state in a pregnant woman (clinical case)




pregnancy, ketoacidosis, acute abdomen, pseudoperitonitis



Aim. To present intormation regarding gestational diabetes mellitus, its causes, clinical and laboratory manifestations, and rare course features.

The article presents information regarding gestational diabetes mellitus, its causes, clinical and laboratory manifestations, and rare course features. The article deals with the clinical case of the diagnosis of pseudoperitonitis against the background of ketoacidosis in a pregnant woman with symptoms that mimic acute appendicitis; timely correct diagnosis has been made possible to avoid surgery for the patient (the 34th week of pregnancy). The basics of differential diagnosis of acute abdominal syndrome in women during pregnancy are introduced. The described clinical case is of interest in connection with insufficient literature data on this pathology in pregnant women, as well as in connection with its rarity in the general population.

Conclusions. Careful dynamic monitoring of the pregnant woman and correct interpretation of the laboratory data allow timely diagnosis of ketoacidosis with abdominal pain and avoid unwanted surgery during pregnancy.


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How to Cite

Hovsieiev DO, Kryzhanovska ОI, Berestovyi VО. Pseudoperitonitis on the background of a ketoacidotic state in a pregnant woman (clinical case). Pathologia [Internet]. 2020May25 [cited 2024Jul.8];(1). Available from:



Case Reports