Peculiarities of ultrasound diagnostics of paraurethral glands in women of fertile age




paraurethral glands, ultrasound, Doppler colour flow mapping


Aim. Evaluation of ultrasound diagnostics of paraurethral glands considering their types of location in women of fertile age.

Materials and methods. A gynaecological, sexological and ultrasound study of 94 women in the age from 24 to 42 (average age 31.01 ± 6.60) was carried out.

Determination of paraurethral glands during ultrasound study was conducted in the format of grey scale (B-mode) using the Doppler colour flow mapping and evaluation of Doppler indices of paraurethral glands both before and after sexual stimu­lation. To optimize the paraurethral glands visual view at the beginning of examination urinary bladder was catheterized and a balloon, filled with gel, was inserted into vagina.

Results. The front type of paraurethral glands location was found in the accumulation of glandular tissues in regard to the distal part of urethra in 67 (71.2 %) of the examined, back type – in the area of back urethra in 19 (20.2 %), diffuse type – along urethra in 7 (7.5 %) and absence – in 1 (1.1 %). Paraurethral glands were visualized in the form of clear isoechogenic oval formation with the following dimensions: length – 2.20 ± 0.60 cm, width – 1.52 ± 0.40 cm, thickness – 1.30 ± 0.30 cm, and volume – 4.75 ± 0.50 cm3.

The diameter of vessels in the paraurethral glands area was between 0.17 cm and 0.21 cm in calm state and 0.39–0.41 cm – during stimulation. Maximum systolic speed of blood flow (Vps) in calm was 8.9–11.1 cm/sec, while in sexual stimulation it was 13.9–14.1 cm/sec, resistance index (IR) – 0.60–0.62 and 0.63–0.68, respectively, pulsation index (IP) – 1.22–1.44 and 1.61–1.72, respectively.

Conclusions. The ultrasound study of vessels of paraurethral glands, when Doppler method is used according to the suggested methodology, gives the opportunity not only to identify its anatomical structure, but also to determine its types. In CDC the increase of diameter of vessels and the optimization of vessels image in the area of paraurethral glands in case of sexual stimulation were marked.

Author Biographies

V. M. Grygorenko, State Institution “Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv

MD, PhD, DSc, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Restorative Urology and New Technologies

O. V. Romashchenko, State Institution “Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of Restorative Urology and New Technologies

V. V. Biloholovska, State Institution “Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv

State Institution “Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv

M. O. Kosiukhno, State Institution “Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv

Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Restorative Urology and New Technologies

S. M. Melnykov, State Institution “Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv

MD, PhD, DSc, Chief Researcher of the Department of Restorative Urology and New Technologies

A. L. Klius, State Institution “Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv

MD, PhD, Urologist of ІІ Urology Department


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How to Cite

Grygorenko VM, Romashchenko OV, Biloholovska VV, Kosiukhno MO, Melnykov SM, Klius AL. Peculiarities of ultrasound diagnostics of paraurethral glands in women of fertile age. Pathologia [Internet]. 2021Aug.20 [cited 2025Mar.9];18(2):203-10. Available from:



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