Clinical features and surgical treatment of small and medium-sized arteriovenous malformations of cerebral hemispheres with torpid type of clinical manifestations.


  • A. Yu. Polkovnikov Запорізький державний медичний університет, Ukraine
  • Yu. R. Yarockyi Інститут нейрохірургії НАМН України, Ukraine



AVM of the brain hemispheres, torpid type symptoms, surgical treatment


Arteriovenous malformations (AVM) of the brain make up 1.5-4.0 % of all the intracranial space-occupying lesions, cause 1% of strokes, 8.6% of nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhages. Clinical manifestation of AVM occurs most often in people of working age (20-50 years), and long-term prognosis without surgery is unfavorable: 23 % of patients die, and 48% of the disease lead to profound disability. Small and medium-sized AVM are the most accessible to surgical treatment.

Objective: To analyze the clinical features and surgical treatment of optimization technology for small and medium-sized AVM of cerebral hemispheres with torpid type of clinical course.

Materials and Methods: Retrospective analysis of complex examination and surgical treatment of 115 patients with AVM of cerebral hemispheres, which cardinal feature was the small and medium size of the kernel (I-III degree in Spetzler and Martin) at the stage of clinical manifestations of the disease, was carried out. The study included all the patients with AVMs who were treated in the clinic of vascular surgery of Institute of neurosurgery named after acad. A.Romodanov NAMS of Ukraine from 2005 to 2011.

For objectification of dynamics of symptoms and functional disorders all the patients were assigned to groups according to the modified Rankin scale (The Modified Rankin Scale (MRS) (van Swieten et al., 1988)).

Endovascular procedures were performed in 10 cases with the use of embolic compositions based on NBCA, in one case PVA with a diameter of 100-200 microns was used.

Results: After the diagnostic examination, all observations are divided into three main types according to the clinical manifestations: hemorrhagic, epileptiform , torpid (which included migraine and pseudotumor types), which is slightly different from the standard AVM grading.

Hemorrhagic type of course is observed in 68 cases (59.13 %), epileptiform in 36 (31.3%) and torpid in 11 cases (9.57 %). Given the inclusion of AVM with ischemic and pseudotumorous course into the torpid type, we note that they make up ¼ of the total. Most of malformations of this group manifested through expressed cephalgic syndrome. More often torpid type of manifestations occurred in women aged 30-39 years, manifesting through cephalgic syndrome.

The most common clinical, structural and hemodynamic characteristics of small and medium-sized AVM cerebral hemispheres with torpid type manifestations were:

1. Predominance of plexiform component in the structure of the AVM nucleus - 100%.

2. Migrainous type of manifestations is characteristic for sulcal AVM of occipital region with the supply from PCA pool - 87.5%.

3. Pseudotumorous and ischemic types of manifestations are characteristic for the sulcal or gyral AVMs of frontal, parietal or temporal localizations - 75%.

4. Medium size of the malformation site (within 3-5 cm) - 72.7 %.

5. Outflow from malformations into the superficial veins - 72.7 %.

6. Often one of the afferents is from the ECA system (50%).

All the patients with identified malformations were treated surgically.

In patients with torpid type of clinical manifestations only endovascular embolization of AVM was performed. Total and subtotal AVM embolization was achieved in 4 cases (36.4%), in one case as a result of double surgery.

Negative dynamics in neurological status during treatment is not noted in any case. Result of treatment in all the cases with torpid type course is rated as satisfactory.

Conclusion: Torpid type of course of small and medium-sized AVM cerebral hemispheres often manifested through cephalgic syndrome. Optimal method of surgical treatment is endovascular embolization with liquid embolic compositions.


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How to Cite

Polkovnikov AY, Yarockyi YR. Clinical features and surgical treatment of small and medium-sized arteriovenous malformations of cerebral hemispheres with torpid type of clinical manifestations. Pathologia [Internet]. 2014Mar.5 [cited 2025Jan.27];(3). Available from:



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