Vegetative provision of central hemodynamics and physical performance of middle distance sportswomen-runners


  • E. L. Mikhalyuk
  • S. N. Malahova
  • M. V. Didenko



middle distance women-runners, heart rate, central hemodynamics, physical performance, correlation


Aims. To determine the autonomic provision of the central hemodynamics and physical performance in middle distance sportswomen-runners.

Methods and results. A comprehensive survey of 34 sportswomen-sprinters, qualifications from II-III level to the IMS, was carried out. For the analysis of vegetative cardiovascular regulation mathematical methods of HRV were used. In middle distance sportswomen-runners with qualifications of MS-IMS parasympathetic link of autonomic nervous system, hypokinetic types of circulation, large quantities of physical performance and index of functional state prevail compared with sportswomen-runners with qualifications of CMS, I-st, II-nd and III-rd level.

Conclusion. Correlation analysis showed a significant interconnection, indicating that the optimal vegetative providing of training process of middle distance runners is accompanied by hypokinetic TC and high digits of PWC170/kg and IFS.


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How to Cite

Mikhalyuk EL, Malahova SN, Didenko MV. Vegetative provision of central hemodynamics and physical performance of middle distance sportswomen-runners. Pathologia [Internet]. 2014Jun.18 [cited 2025Feb.23];(1). Available from:



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