Reduction of the risk of failure to achieve blood pressure control in patients with arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease: the role of quercetin




hypertension, s-ICAM-1, sVCAM, endothelin-1, endothelial dysfunction, quercetin


Aim. Determine the effect of quercetin on predictors of not reaching target blood pressure (BP) levels in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and coronary heart disease (CHD).

Materials and methods. 120 patients with stable coronary heart disease and hypertension of the II stage 2–3 degrees (66 women and 54 men) were examined. The patients were divided into 2 groups: Group I – 58 patients who, in addition to basic therapy (ramipril/amlodipine), received quercetin (Corvitin®), Group II – 62 patients who received only basic antihypertensive therapy. The parameters of daily blood pressure monitoring, blood lipid spectrum, C-reactive protein, the concentration of adhesion molecules (s-VCAM, s-ICAM-1), levels of endothelin-1 (ET-1), IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α were determined. Statistical processing of materials was carried out using the following programs: Minitab 21.0, StatPlus Pro 7.6.5, Wizard Pro, Jamovi, MedCalc.

Results. We have established that the risk of not reaching the target level of daily SBP in the group of basic treatment of hypertension (group II) significantly increases with exceeding the level of LDL >4.0 mmol/l (by 3.6 times), an increase in the level of IL-6 >7 ng/ml (by 10 times), an increase in the level of TNF-α >9 pg/ml (by 7 times), an increase in the level of VCAM >1100 ng/ml (by 2.4 times). In the group of people who additionally took quercetin (group I), with an increase in the level of ET-1 >1.1 pg/ml, the risk of failure to reach the target SBP increases by 2.6 times, in the II group – by 3.5 times toward to daily SBP and 8.6 times – toward to daily DBP. We found out that an increase in the concentration of IL-6 > 7 ng/mg significantly increases the risk of arrhythmias by 6 times in group II.

Conclusions. When quercetin is used, it is possible to achieve the target values of SBP (daily, daytime, nighttime) and DBP (daily, daytime, nighttime) in a significantly higher proportion of patients compared with those who are prescribed only standard antihypertensive therapy. Quercetin has an endothelial protective effect, as evidenced by a significant decrease in the levels of vascular endothelial adhesion molecules (s-VCAM), type I intercellular adhesion molecules (s-ICAM-1), ET-1, IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α. The additional use of quercetin against the background of standard antihypertensive therapy significantly reduces the risk of failure to achieve the target levels of SBP, DBP and the risk of heart rhythm disturbances even against the background of increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines and markers of endothelial dysfunction.

Author Biographies

T. M. Solomenchuk, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Head of the Department of Family Medicine FPGE

M. I. Prokosa, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine FPGE

O. Yu. Klymkovych, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine FPGE


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How to Cite

Solomenchuk TM, Prokosa MI, Klymkovych OY. Reduction of the risk of failure to achieve blood pressure control in patients with arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease: the role of quercetin. Pathologia [Internet]. 2023Apr.28 [cited 2025Feb.22];20(1):14-9. Available from:



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