Dynamics of changes in the velocity of ultrasound propagation in the bone tissue of premature children according to the data of ultrasound densitometry
neonatal prematurity, children, ultrasonography, densitometryAbstract
All premature babies lack the intrauterine phase of active mineralization of the bones, osteogenesis changes, speed of ultrasound propagation in bone tissue changes.
Aim. The purpose of the article was to determine osteopenia in premature babies (PB) based on ultrasound densitometry at birth and during the period of intensive care.
Materials and methods. 70 premature babies and 20 full-term newborns were studied. The authors determined the bone ultrasound speed (SOS, m/s) and its comparative evaluation (Z-score) with the representative base of the ultrasound sonometer “Sunlight Omnisense 9000” (Israel). SOS was defined as average at Z ≥-1.0 SD, as low – at Z from -1.1 to -2.0 SD, and as significantly low – Z ≤- 2.0 SD.
Results. 54.3 % of PB had osteopenia at birth: low indicators in 28.6 %, significantly low in 25.7 %. Postnatally, an increase in bone tissue deficiency of PB was observed – osteopenia with a low Z was diagnosed in 41.1 %, with a significantly low – in 37.5 % of PB.
Conclusions. The number of PB with osteopenia increased 1.4 times, during the first 4 weeks of life. An increase in bone tissue deficiency was most often (p < 0.05) observed among children (52.0 %) with normal / average Z-score SOS indicators. Z-score SOS indicators in children with osteopenia were stable during the first month of life. The odds ratio of having osteopenia were 3.37 times higher for those born in GA of 33 weeks or less (OR = 3.37; CI 95 % [1.25, 9.09], p < 0.05), and 7.50 times higher odds of having significantly low Z-scores (OR = 7.50; CI 95 % [1.60, 34.59], p < 0.05), ), and 8.15 times higher odds of having significantly low Z-scores after 1 month of life (OR = 8.15; CI 95 % [2.23; 29.70], р < 0.05), than in children with greater GA. Indicators of physical development of premature newborns do not allow assessing the state of bone mineral velocity and require dynamic ultrasonic densitometry, despite the presence of correlations of SOS with indicators of the mass or length of infants depending on the gestational timing of birth.
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