Clinical observation of surgical treatment of arterial aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery of the brain complicated by intraventricular hemorrhage and obstructive hydrocephalus


  • M. V. Yeleynik



Aneurysm, Endovascular Procedures, Intracranial Hemorrhage, Drainage


Aim. The problem of choosing treatment tactics in case of arterial aneurysm has been of particular relevance these days in the context of the treatment of intracerebral bleeding – one of the main causes of acute cerebrovascular events (ACE).

Methods and results. To solve this problem, a surgical treatment of arterial aneurism of the anterior communicating artery – left arteria cerebri anterior (and a corresponding treatment method was developed) of a 48-year-old patient, 15 days after the ACE episode classified as massive subarachnoidal bleeding – was carried out. It appeared that endovascular obturation of arterial aneurysm is associated with reduced death risk and occurrence of postoperative complications. However, in the case of intraoperative bleeding transcranial operation often appears to be the only method for further treatment. Ventricular fibrinolysis allows effectively treating the ventricular system in case of intraventricular hemorrhage and contributes to more rapid recovery of liquor (spinal fluid) circulation.

Conclusion. Ventricular-peritoneal shunting is an efficient method to treat aresorptive hydrocephalus. Different types of treatment demonstrate that a differentiated approach towards choosing a treatment policy continues to be relevant even today, despite all the achievements and advances in modern neurosurgery. 


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How to Cite

Yeleynik MV. Clinical observation of surgical treatment of arterial aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery of the brain complicated by intraventricular hemorrhage and obstructive hydrocephalus. Pathologia [Internet]. 2014Oct.1 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



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