A modern look at pilonidal disease and endoscopic approach to its treatment
pilonidal cyst, minimally invasive surgery, laser coagulation, EPSiT, VAAPS, SiLaTAbstract
The aim of the work is to review the literature on the modern view of pilonidal disease and to evaluate the effectiveness of endoscopic methods of treatment based on the results of research in recent years.
Results. The data of the world literature convincingly testify to the high effectiveness of treatment of pilonidal disease by endoscopic techniques. The endoscopic approach is associated with a painless postoperative period, good cosmetic results, a short period of disability and high patient satisfaction. Despite the short-term benefits obtained, randomized controlled trials are needed to definitively confirm the effectiveness of this technique to more accurately determine its effectiveness in the long-term follow-up period.
According to the recommendations of the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery, it can be considered the gold standard in the treatment of unbranched pilonidal disease.
Conclusions. The endoscopic approach has significant advantages over other standard surgical methods: minimal pain, absence of early postoperative complications (seroma, hematomas, bleeding), short hospital stay (up to 1 day), rapid wound healing and return to everyday life, good cosmetic effect and a small percentage of relapses with short-term observations.
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