Changes in trace element composition of the brain under conditions of experimental myocardial dysfunction


  • А. G. Rodinskij
  • Ju. V. Kozlova



Trace Elements, Brain, Myocardium, Dysfunction, Rats


Aim. Violation of the exchange of trace elements (TE) is an important link in the pathogenesis of cerebral pathology that occurs in people with heart diseases. In order to analyze the changes of the composition of TE, in 19 mature rats quantitative characteristics of TE in brain were identified by emission spectrography under conditions of doxorubicin-induced myocardial dysfunction (MD).

Methods and results. We found that the concentration of magnesium and potassium increased, however, the concentration of iron, calcium and sodium conversely significantly decreased. Ratios changes of such TE as Fe/Mg, Ca/K, Ca/Mg were observed.

Conclusion. The results indicate ischemic-hypoxic effects in rat brain and can be used as markers of pathological processes.


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How to Cite

Rodinskij АG, Kozlova JV. Changes in trace element composition of the brain under conditions of experimental myocardial dysfunction. Pathologia [Internet]. 2014Dec.23 [cited 2025Jan.30];(3). Available from:



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