The changes of neurologic functions of rats in the modeling of hemorrhagic stroke


  • V. N. Bibikova



геморагічний інсульт, когнітивні порушення, неврологічний дефіцит, щури


The brain stroke is followed by the development of neurologic deficit, which worsen the course of the disease and the further prediction for recuperation.

Aim.To examine the changes of neurologic functions of rats in the modeling of hemorrhagic stroke.

Methods and results. In order to compare behavioral and emotional reactions and physical efficacy while modeling hemorrhagic stroke in 70 male rats of two age groups the degree of neurologic deficit was studied by “Opened field”. The initial and recurrent hemorrhagic stroke was simulated using stereotactic method by mechanical destruction of brain tissue in the internal capsule within the right hemisphere using mandrin-knife along with introduction of 0.1 ml of autologous blood. The recurrent HS was simulated using the same model one month after initial HS. It was defined, that in the structure of neurologic deficit unilateral process prevails, and in the gerontological aspect dynamics of the bilateral process with low spontaneous recoveryprevail.


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How to Cite

Bibikova VN. The changes of neurologic functions of rats in the modeling of hemorrhagic stroke. Pathologia [Internet]. 2014Dec.23 [cited 2025Jan.30];(3). Available from:



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