Manifestations of experimental hypothyroidism during the influence of moderate physical activity


  • M. R. Gerasymchuk



Hypothyroidism, Exercise, Endotoxemia


Hypothyroidism (HP) is accompanied by disturbances of hormonal homeostasis, decreased motor activity, increased body mass and, consequently, changes in the quality of life.

Aim. To study the effect of moderate physical activity (MPA) on experimental manifestations of HP.

Methods and results. 74 female Wistar rats were assessed for the changes in body weight (BW) and the state of endogenous intoxication (EI) by determining the average of middle molecular weight peptides (MMWP) and lactate (LT). It was found in animals with hypothyroidism, that BW increased by more than 25% (p<0,05), MMWP level in the blood increased by 19,44% (p<0,05), as well as in the major organs of detoxification  (liver and lungs) by 16,63% and 39,71% respectively, while LT – 6,8 times. In case of experimental HP combined with MPA, elevation of endotoxemia was slower and at a much lower level.

Conclusions. This indicates that in case of hypothyroidism, the state of EI is developed due to the intensification of the processes of formation of MMWP and LT. MPA proved to have a positive effect, resulting in the decrease of symptoms expressing HP.


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How to Cite

Gerasymchuk MR. Manifestations of experimental hypothyroidism during the influence of moderate physical activity. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015May19 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:



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