Features of reparative regeneration of the liver tissue in rats during experimental tetrachloromethanic and alcoholic hepatitis


  • N. A. Rykalo
  • L. A. Yarovenko




Chronic Hepatitis, Liver Cirrhosis, Rats, Carbon Tetrachloride Poisoning, Ethanol


Chronic hepatitises are common pathology of the liver, which often end with the formation of cirrhosis (LC).

Aim. The features of reparative regeneration of liver tissue, as well as pathomorphosis of chronic toxic hepatitis of different etiology, namely tetrachloromethanic (CTH) and alcoholic (CAH), were studied in the experiment in immature rats.

Methods and results. The results of flow cytometric and morphological studies have shown that in rats with CTH significant impairment of lymph flow develops in the form of edema in liver tissue; the number of functioning lymphatic vessels with the presence of lymphangiectasias increases that can significantly influence the processes of fibrogenesis. In rats with CAH fatty liver combined with hydropic one is observed. It was established that a characteristic feature of hepatocytes population of immature rats in CTH is increase of nuclear DNA ploidy>8c, reducing of the percentage of nuclei in the range G0G1 with increasing percentage of cell nuclei in the S-phase, nuclear DNA fragmentation and proliferation index. In CAH, unlike CTH, there was a decrease of synthetic processes in the nuclei of hepatocytes, and polyploidy of nuclear DNA was not observed.

Conclusion. This demonstrates the antiproliferative effect of ethanol.


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How to Cite

Rykalo NA, Yarovenko LA. Features of reparative regeneration of the liver tissue in rats during experimental tetrachloromethanic and alcoholic hepatitis. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015May19 [cited 2025Mar.7];(1). Available from: http://pat.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/42934



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