Pathomorphological features of pulmonary tuberculoma (according to the analysis of operational resection material)


  • Р. V. Kuzyk



Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Histopathology, Segmentectomy


Tuberculosis epidemic in Ukraine, the growth of chemoresistant forms of the disease caused significant changes in clinical and pathological signs of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Aim. In order to study pathomorphological features of tuberculomas 52 cases of resection operations conducted in 2011-2014 inLviv Regional Center of Phthisiology and Pulmonology were investigated.

Methods and results. The analysis showed location and size of tuberculoma, anatomical shape, variants of tuberculoma, degree of activity of specific inflammation were established. It was found that 30,8% of tuberculomas had progressive course with cavernization, high degree of activity of specific inflammation, bronchogenic dissemination.

Conclusion. Pathomorphological variants of tuberculous process must be considered when determining the timing and mode of postoperative chemotherapy to prevent reactivation of tuberculosis.


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How to Cite

Kuzyk РV. Pathomorphological features of pulmonary tuberculoma (according to the analysis of operational resection material). Pathologia [Internet]. 2015May19 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:



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