Pulmonary infarct as a surgical pathology: morphology and differential diagnosis


  • I. V. Liskina
  • L. M. Zagaba
  • S. I. Doropheeva




Pulmonary Infarction, Morphology, Clinic-Laboratory Parameters


The actuality of the work is caused by considerable difficulties of verification of pulmonary infarction of small size in clinical practice, which leads to surgical interventions.

Aim. In order to clarify the characteristics of a pulmonary infarction in 4 patients with surgery for «nodule» in the lung and morphologically confirmed diagnosis of «pulmonary infarction» the medical history, clinical and laboratory data were studied and a thorough morphological study of surgical specimens was performed.

Methods and results. The data of modern literature were analyzed. It was found that the most frequent surgical pathology is pulmonary infarction of the small size at the stage of the organization. The cause of development, the main histological features characterizing pulmonary infarction, as well as differential diagnostic considerations were determined.

Conclusion. The presented material shows that morphological examination is the key in the diagnosis of pulmonary infarction in a number of clinical observations.


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How to Cite

Liskina IV, Zagaba LM, Doropheeva SI. Pulmonary infarct as a surgical pathology: morphology and differential diagnosis. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015May19 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from: http://pat.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/42941



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