Analysis of methodological approaches for simulation of gestational antiphospholipid syndrome


  • V. Yu. Prokopiuk
  • A. V. Falko
  • O. S. Prokopyuk
  • V. V. Volina
  • V. Yu. Trifonov



antiphospholipid syndrome, experimental model, pregnancy


Experimental study of obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome may reduce morbidity and deaths of women and newborns.

Aim. The aim of the work is to examine relevant literature on modeling obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome, to choose the most appropriate model and to reproduce it in accordance with existing clinical criteria. The current views on the modeling of disease depending on the purposes, selection of laboratory animals, treatment and dosing medications, evaluation of the effectiveness of simulation and experimental treatment were comprehensively analyzed.

Results. According to the authors the most appropriate model is a model of active immunization of mice with the cardiolipin antigen, which was reproduced in the author's modification.



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How to Cite

Prokopiuk VY, Falko AV, Prokopyuk OS, Volina VV, Trifonov VY. Analysis of methodological approaches for simulation of gestational antiphospholipid syndrome. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015Oct.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:


