Diagnosis and treatment of inguinal-scrotal hernias in infants


  • V. P. Prytula
  • I. G. Rybalchenko




Children, Hernia Inguinal, Diagnosis, Surgery


Surgery for inguinal hernias takes first place and make up to 50% of all surgical procedures, and emergency surgery is in the second place after acute appendicitis.

Aim. The purpose of the work is to improve the treatment of infants with congenital hernias.

Methods and results. In the department of neonatal surgery of NCSH «OHMATDET» 290 patients with hernias were treated, they were divided into two subgroups: the main, born from 2004 to 2014 – (I) group – 196 (67.59%), and the control, born from 1992 to 2003 – (II) group – 94 (32.41%). The study included the following pathology: unilateral hernia – 194 (66.89%), bilateral hernia 36 (12.42%), strangulated hernia - 60 (20.69%). The age of patients ranged from one to three months.

Results and discussion. In the (I) group 182 patients underwent ultrasound and Doppler examination, and the data were different in patients with free hernias and strangulated ones. In case of strangulated hernia there were acute circulatory disorders in the testis in 21 patients by 40-50% of normal, and blood flow was absent in 8 ones. Surgical treatment was individualized, and in 230 newborns it was carried out in a planned manner. 11 (3.79%) patients were treated laparoscopically. In strangulated hernia correction was performed without bowel resection in 52 cases, and resection of strangulated portion was carried out in 8 cases. All the children recovered, there was no hernia recurrence.


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How to Cite

Prytula VP, Rybalchenko IG. Diagnosis and treatment of inguinal-scrotal hernias in infants. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015Oct.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from: http://pat.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/50809



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