Clustering as a method of optimal partitioning crimes involving sharp objects into comparable groups


  • V. V. Zosimenko



Forensic Medicine, Sharp, Cluster Analysis, Criminals


Forensic examination of sharps injuries in forensic practice has a special place, since it is connected, as a rule, with crimes against the life and health of citizens. Relevance of the issue for the study of the possible presence of certain correlations between the various elements of criminalistic characteristics of crime is that currently there are only a few attempts to use it for this forensic data.
Aim. To identify the objectification of the perpetrator from the available forensic data of a victim.
Methods and results. 849 cases of murders with a sharp object in Kiev were studied; results were processed by methods of variation statistics. It was found that clustering can be used in the analysis as a first step simplification of data and offers a very brief way to describe these classes of cases as a taxonomic formula.
Conclusion. This indicates that there is an opportunity to find statistical relationships between descriptors (indices) of the crime and the criminal.


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How to Cite

Zosimenko VV. Clustering as a method of optimal partitioning crimes involving sharp objects into comparable groups. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015Oct.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



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