Indicators of blood pressure according to the daily monitoring of elderly patients with paratraumatic eczema, concomitant varicose and hypertension


  • Ahmad Mohammadamin Ahmad Baninaser Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



Venous Insufficiency, Eczema, Hypertension, Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring


Relevance. At the present stage varicose eczema incidence in the population is very common, but the data on mechanisms of paratraumatic eczema (varicose) with concurrent hypertension is not enough.

Aim. In order to clarify the mechanisms of paratraumatic (varicose veins) eczema in 40 patients of elderly age with concomitant varicose symptoms and hypertension circadian rhythm of blood pressure (BP) was studied by means of bifunctional daily monitoring device.

Methods and results. Increase of systolic blood pressure was found in 73,3%±0,5% (р<0,05), diastolic blood pressure – in 93,3%±1,2% (р<0,05) of patients.

Conclusions. This shows a statistically significant increase of the group of patients with low nighttime blood pressure reduction «Non-dippers» in SBP – 53,3% (р<0,05) in the comparison group – 10,0% (p <0,05); for DBP – along with an increase in the number of patients «Non-dippers», there was a significant increase in the group «Night-peakers» – 40,0%, in the comparison group – 10,0% (p <0,05).


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How to Cite

Ahmad Baninaser AM. Indicators of blood pressure according to the daily monitoring of elderly patients with paratraumatic eczema, concomitant varicose and hypertension. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015Dec.18 [cited 2025Mar.9];(3). Available from:



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