Epidemiology of the colorectal cancer in big industrial city


  • M. A. Shishkin Zaporizhzhіa State Medical University,
  • V. O. Kabachenko Zaporizhzhіa State Medical University,




Intestine Neoplasmas, Bowel Intestine, Epidemiology, Urban Population Health, Industry


Background. Colorectal cancer takes second-third place during ten last years in oncopathology structure. Last years constant increase of colorectal cancer morbidity is observed in Ukraine.

Aim. To analyze the features of colorectal cancer morbidity in industrial big center Zaporizhzhya.

Methods. 1006 cases of colorectal cancer, identified among residents of Zaporizhzhya city in 2008–2012 were analyzed.

Results. Patients are sick with large intestine cancer mainly after 50 years (89.06%), the peak of morbidity is observed in age from 61 to 70 years (36.38%). The cancer of the caecum was represented by the least percent – 4.48%, the cancer of sigmoid bowel occupies the second place – 26.34% after the rectal cancer which makes up about half of intestine morbidity– 41.05%. On the third place – colon adenocarcinoma (16.50%), on the fourth – rectosigmoid cancer (11.63%). Colorectal cancer is diagnosed in II stage – 55.27%, in III stage – 15.61%, almost every fourth patient was with IV stage – 27.04%. In I stage cancer was diagnosed only in 7.92%, among them 1.21% - rectal cancer, 2.56% - rectosigmoid cancer, 4.15% - sigmoid cancer.

Conclusion: without regard to the visual forms of cancer, the best diagnostics of the early stages is marked in older age groups. In young age III–IV stages were diagnosed more frequently.


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How to Cite

Shishkin MA, Kabachenko VO. Epidemiology of the colorectal cancer in big industrial city. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015Dec.18 [cited 2025Mar.9];(3). Available from: http://pat.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/55611



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