Morphological features of adipose tissue of epiploon and subcutaneous fat cellular tissue of people with normal body mass index


  • K. M. Mylytsya SI «Zaporizhzhіa Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education Ministry Of Health of Ukraine»,
  • I. V. Sorokina Kharkiv National Medical University,
  • M. S. Myroshnychenko Kharkiv National Medical University,
  • O. M. Pliten Kharkiv National Medical University,



Omentum, Subcutaneous Fat, Body Mass Index



Aim of the research: to educe the morphological features of fat tissue of epiploon and subcutaneous fat cellular tissue of people with normal body mass index.

Methods and results. With a help of histological, histochemical and morphometrical methods the morphological features of fat tissue of epiploon and subcutaneous fat cellular tissue were studied in 12 persons with normal body mass index. The authors have established the presence of white fat tissue in epiploon and subcutaneous fat cellular tissue which is characterized by certain morphometrical features: area and perimeter of adipocytes of fat tissue in subcutaneous fat cellular tissue were significantly larger in comparison with the corresponding parameters in epiploon; the area and perimeter of adipocytes nuclei of both tissues were not significantly different; number of adipocytes in fat tissue of epiploon was significantly larger in comparison with the fat tissue in the subcutaneous fat cellular tissue; it’s revealed that fat content in adipocytes of fat tissue of epiploon is significantly larger in comparison with adipocytes of the subcutaneous fat cellular tissue. Parenchymal-stromal coefficient was significantly larger in subcutaneous fat tissue; trophic index was significantly larger in fat tissue of epiploon.

 Conclusion. Obtained data can be used as scientifically reasonable norms in scientific and practical activity.


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How to Cite

Mylytsya KM, Sorokina IV, Myroshnychenko MS, Pliten OM. Morphological features of adipose tissue of epiploon and subcutaneous fat cellular tissue of people with normal body mass index. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015Dec.18 [cited 2025Mar.9];(3). Available from:



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