Immunohistochemical study of Ki-67 expression in the tumor cells and the stromal cells of colorectal adenocarcinoma


  • M. A. Shyshkin Zaporizhzhіa State Medical University,



intestinal neoplasms, adenocarcinoma, colon, rectum, cell proliferation


Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in men and the second in women.

Aim. The aim of this research was to compare the expression levels of Ki-67 in the tumor cells and the stromal cells of colorectal adenocarcinoma, and also to study the correlations between proliferative activity of colorectal adenocarcinoma and particular clinic-pathological parameters of the tumor.

Materials and methods. For this purpose, pathohistological and immunohistochemical studies were used. The surgical material of 30 patients with distal colon adenocarcinoma and rectal adenocarcinoma (I-IV clinical stages) was analyzed.

Results. It was established that the tumor cells of colorectal adenocarcinoma are characterized by the medium Ki-67 labeling index, but the stromal cells of this tumor are characterized by the low Ki-67 labeling index. The direct strong correlation between Ki-67 labeling index of the tumor cells and Ki-67 labeling index of the stromal cells was revealed. Moreover, reverse medium correlation between Ki-67 labeling index of the tumor cells and the depth of tumor invasion was revealed. Direct strong correlation between histological grade of the tumor and the depth of invasion, and also direct medium correlation between histological grade of the tumor and the presence of lymph node metastasis, clinical stage of the tumor were revealed.

Conclusions. These data demonstrate that proliferative activity of the tumor cells of colorectal adenocarcinoma is significantly higher than proliferative activity of the stromal cells of this tumor. Furthermore, the tight association between proliferative processes in the tumor cells and the stromal cells of colorectal adenocarcinoma, and also the associations between proliferative processes in the tumor cells and the depth of tumor invasion, histological grade of the tumor and the presence of lymph node metastasis, histological grade of the tumor and clinical stage of the tumor were established.


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How to Cite

Shyshkin MA. Immunohistochemical study of Ki-67 expression in the tumor cells and the stromal cells of colorectal adenocarcinoma. Pathologia [Internet]. 2016Oct.27 [cited 2025Jan.30];13(2). Available from:



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