The immunomorphological features of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia associated with HPV infection depending on the type of infertility


  • Е. О. Kindrativ SHEE «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University»,



Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia, Papillomavirus Infection, Infertility


Aim. Objective was to establish the features of markers expression of receptivity, proliferation, apoptosis and angiogenesis of cervix with CIN associated with HPV infection in various forms of female infertility.

Materials and methods. Cervical biopsy material of 157 women with CIN associated with HPV infection in infertility was investigated. Depending on the degree of CIN all cases are divided into three groups: 1st group – 62 women with mild CIN (CIN-I), 2nd group – 53 women with moderate CIN (CIN-II), 3rd group – 42 patients with severe CIN (CIN-III). The control group consisted of 15 cervical samples from infertile women without cervical pathology. For immunohistochemical (IHC) studies the primary monoclonal antibodies Ki-67 (Clone MIB-1, DakoCytomation) r63 (clone 4A4, DakoCytomation), VEGF (clone VG1, DakoCytomation), p16ink4a (kit for histological preparations, number K5334), estrogen (ER) (clone 6F11, Novocastra) and progesterone receptors (PR) (clone 1A6, Novocastra) were used.

Results. As a result of studies it was found that dysplastic cervical processes in terms of human papilloma virus infection are characterized by severe structural changes in the form of cell renewal violation, redistribution of hormonal reception and expression of vascular endothelial growth factor by stratified squamous epithelium especially in the tubular, hormonal and combined infertility.

Conclusions. It was established that for infertility the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) associated with HPV infection (PVI) is characterized by different individual potential for the development of cervical carcinoma. For early detection, verification of the severity degree and prognosis of CIN, especially during the tubular, hormonal and combined forms of infertility it is advisable to include the immunomorphological study of tissue of the cervix using monoclonal antibodies (Ki-67, r63, pl6ink4a, ER, PR, VEGF) in the algorithm of complex inspection.


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How to Cite

Kindrativ ЕО. The immunomorphological features of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia associated with HPV infection depending on the type of infertility. Pathologia [Internet]. 2016Dec.23 [cited 2024Jul.8];(3). Available from:



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