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Vol. 16 No. 3 (2019): Pathologia
Vol. 16 No. 3 (2019): Pathologia
September – December 2019
Full Issue
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Original research
The features of the nitric oxide system in the left ventricle myocardium in the rats with experimental intermittent hypoxia of different duration
Yu. M. Kolesnyk, M. I. Isachenko, O. V. Melnikova
Myocardial remodeling and arterial stiffness depending on aldosterone level in patients with chronic kidney disease and arterial hypertension
O. V. Kuryata, V. V. Semenov
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Inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase contributes to the reduction of oxidative stress in murine liver under the conditions of experimental endotoxemia
N. H. Hrushka, S. I. Pavlovych, O. A. Kondratska, N. O. Pilkevych, R. I. Yanchii
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Investigation of the thiol-disulfide system state of rats with encephalopathy caused by the effect of antituberculous drugs
A. V. Levich, N. O. Skorokhodova, D. H. Zhyvytsia, Yu. V. Prosvetov
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Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia and neuroendocrine reaction of the parvocellular neurons of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus
V. O. Shamenko, Ye. V. Kadzharian, A. V. Abramov
Clinical description of measles complications in adults in connection with changes in the functional state of the autonomic nervous system
Yu. Yu. Riabokon, S. O. Bilokobyla, O. V. Riabokon
Peculitaries of carbohydrate metabolism in patients with metabolic syndrome depending on C/Т polymоrphism in the DIO 1 gene
N. O. Abramova, N. V. Pashkovska
Features of Bcl2 and p53 proteins synthesis in pancreatic islets of normotensive and hypertensive rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes
T. V. Abramova, T. V. Ivanenko, O. V. Melnykova
Features of the pathomorphological structure of the aterosclerotic plaques of carotid aterosclerosis
Yu. I. Kuzyk
Subclinical features of atherosclerotic remodeling of arteries in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
I. M. Fushtei, O. V. Tkachenko, S. L. Podsevakhina, O. I. Palamarchuk
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Factors of angiogenesis and placental hormones in pregnant women with arterial hypertension
O. V. Deinichenko, Yu. Ya. Krut
Functional status of the cardiovascular system in the wounded with limb injuries at the levels of health care according to tetrapolar rheography
I. P. Khomenko, S. O. Korol, A. A. Kozhokaru, B. V. Matviichuk, R. M. Sichinava
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Activity of matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in serum in chronic granulating periodontitis
D. I. Haidash, I. S. Haidash, O. О. Bondar, Yu. О. Yevtushenko, O. I. Haidash
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Clinical efficiency of exogenous L-arginine in patients with essential hypertension against the background of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
O. V. Kraidashenko, O. S. Tiahla
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Frequency of metastasis in sentinel lymph node and its predictors in patients with laryngeal cancer T1-2N0M0
V. I. Troian, I. O. Sinaiko, O. V. Lobova, O. M. Kostrovskyi
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Study of the association of distribution pattern of genotypes of C/A polymorphism of COL1A1_1 collagen gene (RS1107946) with indicators of external breathing in children with bronchial asthma
Т. Ye. Shumna, S. M. Nedelska, O. S. Fedosieieva
Supramolecular complex sacubitril/valsartan - the first representative of a new class of drugs for the treatment of chronic heart failure
T. V. Ashcheulova, K. M. Kompaniiets, N. M. Herasimchuk
Features of legal protection of medical inventions: present and future
V. I. Teremetskyi, A. V. Matviichuk, O. M. Muzychuk, M. H. Shcherbakovskyi, O. V. Oderii
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Case Reports
Clinical course of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis with HIV infection and tertiary syphilis: a case report
O. M. Raznatovska, A. V. Fedorets, O. O. Furyk, H. I. Makurina, T. O. Hrekova, V. V. Romashchenko
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