Pathomorphosis of stage IIB cervical cancer in preoperative radiation therapy


  • A.E. Kryzhanivska Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ukraine,
  • E.O. Kindrativ Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ukraine,
  • I.O. Mykhailiuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ukraine,



cervical cancer, radial therapy, pathomorphosis


With the purpose of study of medical radiation pathomorphosis morphological research of 53 cases of stage IIB cervical cancer was conducted during the application of preoperative radiation therapy. The degree of expression of medical pathomorphosis of parenchymal-stromal components was assessed on the scale of G.A. Lavnikova (1976). The analysis of medical pathomorphosis has shown that I degree lesion was fixed in 2 cases (3,7%), II – in 20 (37,7%), III  – in 11 (20,8%), IV – in 20 (37,7%). The index of damage is 56,7%. High frequency (96,2%) of radiation pathomorphosis development confirms the radiosensitivity of stage IIB cervical cancer. Application of preoperative radiation therapy determines the devitalisation of tumour parenchyma mainly in superficial areas and has the focal character. Development of pathomorphosis does not depend on the form of tumour growth, but histological variant of squamous cell carcinoma, namely non-keratinizing (77,4%) can be an indication for preoperative radiation therapy. The obtained results of radiation pathomorphosis assessment allow planning the subsequent tactics of management of patients with the application of additional methods of treatment.


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How to Cite

Kryzhanivska A, Kindrativ E, Mykhailiuk I. Pathomorphosis of stage IIB cervical cancer in preoperative radiation therapy. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Sep.30 [cited 2025Mar.14];(2). Available from:



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