Mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue of the vermiform appendix in appendicitis




vermiform appendix, acute appendicitis, lymph nodules



Aim. To analyze the literature on the features of the restructuring of mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue of the vermiform appendix in appendicitis.

Materials and methods. Study and synthesis of original and foreign literature, results of meta-analyzes and randomized studies.

Results. The causative factors and characteristics of pathogenesis of acute appendicitis, basic clinical factors of disease are described. It has been established, that the immunocompetent tissue of the vermiform appendix plays a significant role in appendicitis. In simple and superficial appendicitis the increase of proliferative processes and activation of immunogenesis are noted. In destructive appendicitis (phlegmonous and gangrenous) the inhibition of immunopoesis and the proliferation of lymphocytes, as well as processes of immunogenesis and macrophage reaction in the lymph nodules are revealed. The increase in the cellular density by means of neutrophilic and eosinophilic leukocytes and the increase of the specific weight of morphologically changed cells are observed.

Conclusions. These data establish the role of the immune apparatus of vermiform appendix in the pathogenesis of appendicitis. The data confirm the validity of the allergic theory of its development, which can serve as a basis for searching new methods of diagnosis of the disease and makes actual the discussion on the conservative treatment.



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How to Cite

Popovуch YI, Hryhorieva OA, Tavroh ML, Ivantsіv OR, Popovych NR. Mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue of the vermiform appendix in appendicitis. Pathologia [Internet]. 2020Dec.29 [cited 2025Jan.23];(3). Available from:


