Experience of usage of forming rings and protective caps made of PTFE on the single-component implants


  • S. A. Chertov
  • A. M. Nikulin
  • A. V. Vozniy




blade implantation, PTFE, dental implants


Relevance. The main reason that limits the usage of single-component implants, as compared with collapsible (two-component) implants is the high risk of infectious and inflammatory complications in the postoperative period and problems in prosthetics in the esthetically important areas. Therefore, the usage of elements that contribute to healing of the mucous membrane in the early stages of implantation is particularly up-to-date.

Work objective is to determine the clinical effectiveness of usage of forming rings and protective caps made of PTFE on the single-component implants in the prevention of peri-implant pathology on a one-step surgical implantation.

Materials and methods of the investigation. For this work we used the treatment results of 24 patients with various dentition defects. According to the single-component implant procedure 52 single-component implants were mounted. The head of monolithic implants (38 p.) were isolated by rings or caps made of PTFE. For comparison, 14 implants remained bare for 2-6 weeks before the temporary prosthesis. Postoperatively, subjective feelings were noted in patients, the presence or absence of pain complaints during the examination and palpation, the nature and extent of edema, the phenomena of inflammation around the implant neck were checked. At the stage of sutures removal the degree of soft plaque deposits on the healing elements and titanium implant heads was assessed.


Results of the investigation and their discussion. No effects of mucosal hyperemia around the supporting elements made of PTFE were revealed, there was no soft and hard plaque on the rings and caps in most patients of the main group. In patients of the control group, on the contrary, the appearance of the biofilm that covered the head and the implant shoulder on all abutments, which were not protected by a ring or cap, was noted. The healing period of mucous membrane in patients of the control group was longer, the quality of formation of gingival cuff was not optimal.


1. Usage of forming rings and protective caps made of PTFE on the single-component implants contributes to the qualitative formation of "gingival cuff" around the neck of the implant, which has a positive effect on the aesthetics of the prosthetic work.

2. Due to special properties of PTFE there is no soft plaque deposition on healing elements, and thus the risk of development of inflammatory complications around the implant decreases.

3. Due to the low thermal conductivity of PTFE protective caps prevent the bone wound from thermal injury in the early stages of healing.

4. PTFE caps protect the tongue from the implant head injury before the period of prosthetics.

5. Thanks to shortening of the mucous membrane healing around PTFE elements, the quality of functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of patients during one-step implantation improves.



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How to Cite

Chertov SA, Nikulin AM, Vozniy AV. Experience of usage of forming rings and protective caps made of PTFE on the single-component implants. Pathologia [Internet]. 2014Jun.18 [cited 2024Dec.23];(1). Available from: http://pat.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/25960



Original research