State of specific immunity in men with disorders of fertility


  • L. L. Vorontsova
  • N. М. Partola
  • V. A. Kovalenko



male infertility, ejaculate fertility, specific link for immune system


Aim. Determination of role of the immune system in pathogenesis of reproductive function disorders in men is actual enough modern medicine direction.

Methods and results. In order to study the state of the specific link of immune system in 48 men with disorders of fertility the indices of spermogram are studied in accordance with recommendations of WHO and subpopulation composition of lymphocytes with the use of monoclonal antibodies to the antigens.

It is shown that discovered changes in the specific link of immune system (from disfunction to the state of immunodeficiency), which take place on the background of bacterial infection and prolonged inflammatory process, obviously, directly influence the disorders of ejaculate fertility.

Conclusion. The research results testify that determination of the state of the immune system in men with the disorders of reproductive function is the necessary component of complex examination, which can be useful in the improvement of diagnostics of male infertility and elaboration of correct tactics and optimum schemes of its treatment.


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How to Cite

Vorontsova LL, Partola NМ, Kovalenko VA. State of specific immunity in men with disorders of fertility. Pathologia [Internet]. 2014Oct.1 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



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