Early and remote results of surgical natural uveoscleral outflow activation with collagen drainage implantation in the treatment of advanced and terminal primary glaucoma stages


  • N. G. Zavgorodnaya
  • T. P. Gaidarzhi




Glaucoma, Intraocular Fluid, Glaucoma Implant


Aim. The problem of achieving intraocular pressure compensation in the surgical treatment of advanced and terminal primary glaucoma stages, especially after glaucoma inefficient operations, is one of the most debated and relevant at the present development stage of surgical ophthalmology.

Methods and results. In order to solve this problem 22 patients (22 eyes) with advanced and 27 patients (27 eyes) with terminal stages of primary glaucoma underwent the proposed method of surgical natural uveoscleral outflow activation by angular-suprachoroidal implantation of porous collagen drainage Xenoplast and dynamics of the intraocular pressure and outflow easiness coefficient in the early and remote postoperative periods were studied. Statistically proved postoperative improvement of intraocular pressure and outflow easiness coefficient comparing to preoperative data was established.

Conclusion. That shows the proposed natural uveoscleral outflow surgical activation by angular-suprachoroidal drainage with implantation of antiglaucomatous collagenous drain Xenoplast is an effective antiglaucomatous surgery and allows for long-term postoperative intraocular pressure decline both in patients with decompensated intraocular pressure after glaucoma inefficient operations and the operation of choice for primary surgical treatment of patients with advanced and terminal stages of primary glaucoma.


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How to Cite

Zavgorodnaya NG, Gaidarzhi TP. Early and remote results of surgical natural uveoscleral outflow activation with collagen drainage implantation in the treatment of advanced and terminal primary glaucoma stages. Pathologia [Internet]. 2014Oct.1 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from: http://pat.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/28594



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