State of cellular and humoral immune system in women of reproductive age with tumor-like ovary formations


  • O. S. Shapoval
  • L. L. Vorontsova



Ovarian Neoplsms, Cell-Mediated Immunity, Humoral Immune Response


Aim. Violations occurring in the immune system in women with ovary tumor-like formations are one of the most important factors in the pathogenesis and development of the disease. In order to study features of immune disorders in 105 women of reproductive age with tumor-like ovary formations determination of cellular and humoral immunity indices was carried out.

Methods and results. Variants of immunological reactivity in women with tumor-like ovary formations with different possibilities of reproductive function implementing were established.

Conclusion. This indicates that the identification of one of the variants of immunological reactivity disorder in the precurative stage is one of the components of the effective prescribed therapy necessary to select the appropriate tactics of medical correction of homeostasis. 


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How to Cite

Shapoval OS, Vorontsova LL. State of cellular and humoral immune system in women of reproductive age with tumor-like ovary formations. Pathologia [Internet]. 2014Dec.23 [cited 2025Jan.27];(3). Available from:



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