Pathomorphological characteristic of the impact of foam sclerosant on the venous wall in case of varicose disease


  • Yu. P. Titova



varicose disease, polidocanol, vein morphology, experiment


In treatment of varicose disease methods of intraoperative phlebosclerotic obliteration involving injection of sclerosant into vein lumen come to the fore. Issues of morphological changes in venous wall are actual and unstudied.

The aim was to characterize morphological changes in the wall s of veins in the early and distant periods after the injection of foam polidocanol of different concentrations into patients’ varicose veins and into veins of experimental animals.

Methods and results. Segments of veins were investigated using the light and electron microscopy. It was confirmed that application of foam polidocanol for 10 minutes both in patients and rats influences endothelium cells and causes their damage. In vasa vasorum we saw hyperemia, stasis, thrombosis and in venous wall oedema and diapedesis of erythrocytes.

Conclusion. We revealed in experiment that in remote period (after 1 month) the injection of sclerosant leads to vessel obstruction with fibrosis.


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How to Cite

Titova YP. Pathomorphological characteristic of the impact of foam sclerosant on the venous wall in case of varicose disease. Pathologia [Internet]. 2014Dec.23 [cited 2025Jan.27];(3). Available from:



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